Thursday, November 24, 2016

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. This is what life is all about... giving thanks. Today couldn't come at a better time of year. Most of us are behind our goals for the year or preparing for a stressful couple of months ahead. We so easily can get distracted by the stress and sometimes the discouragement that life seems to throw our way. And then Thursday comes, the last Thursday in November, and we're smacked in the face with all the things we tend to ignore about our lives. "Oh hey there! Remember us?! We still exist in your life!!" All of your life's blessings are waiting to be recognized and appreciated. Hopefully the day of thanks is just that. A day, a full 24 hour day, to stop and be grateful for all the beauty in your life, all the love that fills your heart, and all the laughter that fills your soul. And I hope even more that this serves as a beginning of a new habit. Giving thanks doesn't have to be a once a year type of thing. It most definitely can be a habit that's incorporated into a life worth living. Being thankful, living in gratitude, is the key to a beautiful life. And I must say that I am so very thankful for this beautiful life ❤️

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